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ViRAL Final Conference
Dornbirn, Oct 6 2021


A television crew from STV Slavonska televizija filmed a 23 minutes show on Museum of Slavonia, virtual walks and the ViRAL project.


Heritage Custodians

The topic of the show is the application of digital innovations in the Museum of Slavonia and the presentation of the ViRAL project. On the eve of the coronavirus pandemic, a number of cultural museum institutions were forced to close their doors. Museum lovers remained deprived of content, but numerous institutions, such as the Museum of Slavonia, tried to remain in contact with visitors, especially with digital users. Just imagine how many exhibitions were left without observers and all the efforts of the museum curators were almost in vain. It is at this point that many museums have recognized the benefits of digital innovation. The Museum of Slavonia has created two virtual walks using 360-degree video.

The cancellation of a large number of group visits, and we are talking about thousands of visitors, affects the work of museum staff. The income of museums is decreasing, but also the mood because museums are intended to be spaces tailored to man, spaces in which one researches, educates, learns and enjoys.

With the ViRAL project, museum staff knew which way to go. They explored opportunities and found partners who created virtual walks in collaboration with museum staff.

“Fortunately for museologists, the exhibition, which opened at the end of 2019 in front of an impressive number of guests, had to close just a few months after the announcement of measures to prevent the further spread of the coronavirus epidemic. As early as the next day, a large number of announced visitors were deprived of the experience. Nevertheless, crisis situations and troubles often give rise to solutions that successfully reduce the distance between museum content and visitors. With the cooperation of the Museum of Slavonia and the company Culex, digital users can explore the exhibitions in the Museum of Slavonia using virtual walking technology.”

Deputy Director of the Museum of Slavonia, Jesenka Ricl, museum pedagogue

“We are extremely glad that the Museum of Slavonia has established cooperation with the company Culex by creating an interactive, virtual tour of the exhibition. A virtual tour is a simulation of an existing place with the help of consecutive videos or photos, which can be viewed in 360 °. A virtual tour includes a variety of multimedia elements such as music, sound effects, floor plans, etc. They help to re-create a realistic representation of reality. The exhibition creates a new interactive experience that is available to the user 24/7. Online virtual tours are a great access to exhibitions because they are available to the user online and can be viewed at the desired time, save the user's time, create additional interaction between the user and the cultural institution, and allow you to enjoy cultural content even when institutions are closed.”

Mario Mikić - Vučak, CEO of Culex

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The ViRAL Project 2018-1-AT01-KA204-039209 has been funded with support from the European Commission. This document reflects the views only of the author and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which might be made of the information contained herein.

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